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Contact Information

Email: kjjarvis [at] ucdavis [dot] edu


About Me

I have recently completed my Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from UC Davis, and am now working as a computer engineer in the Intelligent Systems Division at NASA, Ames. In my research, I enjoy developing algorithms that implement mathematical tools to answer real-world questions, especially in the context of the biological sciences. When I'm not researching or having fun with STEM outreach, I love to cook and watch SF Giant's baseball!

Research Interests

Broadly speaking, I'm interested in using mathematics to answer interesting questions about a range of fields, from human physiology to aeronautics. My PhD research was in the field of muscle contraction, with an emphasis on modeling at the molecular level. By working towards a comprehensive theory of contraction, spanning from the molecular to whole cell levels, my research provided insight into muscle function and disease. At NASA, I am an active member of the Diagnostics and Prognostics group, and am working on improving the computational efficiency and applicability of prognostics algorithms. With this work, we are developing the tools and technologies necessary to maintain safety as airspace becomes increasingly complex. To read more about my past and current projects, see my research page

Current Activities and News

  • I am excited to present my NASA research at the IEEE Aerospace Conference in Big Sky, Montana, in March! 

  • In July of 2021, I joined the NASA family as a research scientist at NASA Ames Research Center. 

  • In June of 2021, I completed my Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from UC Davis. Check out my dissertation work here!

  • I am an active member of the NASA Speaker's Bureau and love doing outreach. If you are interested in connecting with me on STEM outreach, please email me!

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