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Service and Community Outreach

NASA Speaker's Bureau 

I am an active member of the NASA's Speaker's Bureau, and love connecting with organizations interested in learning more about NASA! The Speaker's Bureau is a part of NASA's outreach efforts and connects NASA researchers with any organization interested in learning about our work. I especially love visiting schools and classrooms, both in-person and virtually, to share my research and journey with young students. If you're interested in hosting a NASA speaker, check out our website here

Biophysical Society, UC Davis Student Chapter

I was previously the Vice President and founding Secretary of the Biophysical Society student chapter at UC Davis. We were a new organization on campus, and the first student chapter on the west coast! I additionally served as the Co-Chair of a student session of the Australian Society for Biophysics Annual Meeting in 2020. While I am no longer in the Davis area, the club is still running and open to all interested in Biophysics fields. Check out their website here for more information.

Pioneer Women in STEM Organization

In 2019 I founded a lunch-time club for students at Pioneer High School in Woodland, CA, called Pioneer Women in STEM. The goal of this program is to show young students what STEM means outside of the classroom. Each week, I hosted a distinguished woman from a different STEM field to talk about her career and connect with the students. In the 2018-2019 school year, I hosted women from the UC Davis Veterinary School, School of Medicine, and Law Schools, as well as professors from the Ecology Department and the Graduate School of Management. While I am no longer in the Davis area, current math graduate students have continued the program. Please contact me if you are interested in participating! 

Association for Women in Mathematics, UC Davis Student Chapter

I am very passionate about connecting with other women in STEM fields. I am a founding member of the UC Davis student chapter of the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM). I've served one term as vice-president and two terms as president.  During my first term as president of AWM, I began an outreach program where undergraduate and graduate math students attend local middle and high schools to give short math presentations and encourage young girls to pursue STEM careers. Additionally, I hosted a coding workshop at Davis High School in collaboration with their Women in STEM club. I also ran AWM's mentorship program for the 2017-2018 school year, pairing undergraduates, graduates, and faculty in mentor-mentee pairs to create and foster a stronger mathematics community at Davis. 

K-12 Outreach

One of my favorite parts about mathematics is sharing it with younger students and inspiring them to continue in their STEM studies. I am currently interested in doing outreach events in the greater SF Bay Area. At each event, I talk to the students about what math can mean outside of the classroom and how applicable it is to our everyday lives. If you are interested in bringing this outreach to your local school, please don't hesitate to contact me! 

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