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Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications


Jarvis, K., M. A. Woodward, E. P. Debold and S. Walcott. "Acidosis affects muscle contraction by slowing the rates myosin attaches to and detaches from actin." Journal of muscle research and cell motility 39.3-4 (2018): 135-147. Read on Springer.

Jarvis, K., K. Bell, A. Loya, D. Swank, and S. Walcott. "Force-velocity and tension transient measurements from Drosophila jump muscle reveals the necessity of both weakly-bound cross-bridges and series elasticity in models of muscle contraction." Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 701 (2021): 108809. Read on Science Direct.


Peer-Reviewed Conference Publications

Jarvis, K., C. Teubert, W. Okolo, C. Kulkarni. "Improving computational efficiency of prognostics algorithms in resource-constrained settings." 2022 IEEE Aerospace Conference. IEEE, 2022. Read on IEEE

Corbetta, M., K. Jarvis, P. Banerjee. "Uncertainty Propagation in Pre-Flight Predictions of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Separation Violations." 2022 IEEE Aerospace Conference. IEEE, 2022. Read on IEEE

Banerjee, P., K. Jarvis, K. Smalling, A. Turner. "Probability of Obstacle Collision for UAVs in Presence of Wind." 2022 AIAA Aviation Forum. AIAA, 2022. Read on AIAA


Jarvis, K. "From molecular interactions to whole muscle strength: Connecting small-scale interactions to muscle fiber function through mathematics." 2021. University of California, Davis. PhD Dissertation. Read on ProQuest.

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